Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Just Random Stuff..........

I have been crocheting a lot of hats for cancer patients!!! I got a lot of peaple to help me with them: Margaret,Julie,Olivia,Hannah D.,Annabeth,and my brother Mark,he kniffty knits.I am sooo excited about track!!!!!Even tho I am super sore!!!! Tomorrow I have to run 4 miles, no one ever runs with me but I am going to get Mary to run it with me!!! Will someone please comment me and tell me a good color combination for the hats I am makeing? I have alredy used blue and orange, blue and green, yellow and dark green,Thanks, bye!!!


  1. Hot pink and lime green go well together . . . so do pink and orange, as well as lime green and orange. blue and brown make me think of coffe,and go nicely, brown looks good with most colors though.

  2. (this is actually Julie)
    I really like brown and lavender, also white and navy blue looks really cool. I've been making a hat!!!
    See you Tuesday!
    Your Spartan Sis,
